What the hell?!?!?! Ur secondary is not good... U just let them get into FG range by blowing coverage... It's 3rd down right at the edge of FG range, u can not risk letting them gain a yard, and if u can somehow force them to lose yardage u might actually sneak outta here with a win... But for some reason, AFTER CALLING TIMEOUT, u decide to rush 3 and drop 8 into coverage?... That's a don't let em get the 1st down kinda call... What we needed was a make em have to go for it on 4th down kinda call... So why the hell would u not blitz EVERYBODY and try to pressure the damn rookie QB into making a mistake or being too cautious and taking a sack?!?!?!
What the hell?!?!?!
That's a fu ck this team, fu ck Barry Odom and fu ck this team kinda loss right there...
Mizzou had no business losing this game.
What the hell?!?!?!
That's a fu ck this team, fu ck Barry Odom and fu ck this team kinda loss right there...
Mizzou had no business losing this game.
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