Talking about and reliving for a long time. Not that ksu is a GREAT team, but they are a good team and a longtime rival....and it was SUCH a needed win for the coaches, players and fans.
I think about ku 2007, Neb 2003, OU 2010, Bama 1975, Neb and USC in 1976, Neb in 1978 and Mizzou vs A$M in 2013 and the dramatic fashion in which this game was won will put it into that category for me.
I think about ku 2007, Neb 2003, OU 2010, Bama 1975, Neb and USC in 1976, Neb in 1978 and Mizzou vs A$M in 2013 and the dramatic fashion in which this game was won will put it into that category for me.