We still have room for more golf teams! Please get a team together and come out to support the Missouri football program, in this very historical year.
What better way to kickoff the lead up to football season than a fun scramble golf tournament with other die-hard Tiger fans. The team needs our support more than ever right now, so please reach out to anyone you know that might be interested in playing. The club has the all clear to have two to a golf-cart, and many will have special dividers in them we are told. Most of you have been playing golf most of the Spring, so this would be nothing unusual to come out and enjoy a Friday away from work!
See my pinned post at the top for the details, or click the link below. If you have any questions, my name is Jeff, and my e-mail is jmgregg78@yahoo.com. I look forward to seeing you Friday, July 24th at CCC.
What better way to kickoff the lead up to football season than a fun scramble golf tournament with other die-hard Tiger fans. The team needs our support more than ever right now, so please reach out to anyone you know that might be interested in playing. The club has the all clear to have two to a golf-cart, and many will have special dividers in them we are told. Most of you have been playing golf most of the Spring, so this would be nothing unusual to come out and enjoy a Friday away from work!
See my pinned post at the top for the details, or click the link below. If you have any questions, my name is Jeff, and my e-mail is jmgregg78@yahoo.com. I look forward to seeing you Friday, July 24th at CCC.