Opinion | Trump Is Looking Like a Loser Again — The Wall Street Journal
About one third of his remarks at last week’s press conference were false, obtuse or lunatic.
I haven’t been paying close attention to campaign politics lately but not surprised to see this WSJ viewpoint on Trump failing to execute as a candidate.
To date he’s barely beaten the most hideous and unlikable Dem POTUS candidate in history… while losing to Weekend at Bernie Biden, losing Congress in ‘18, and losing the GA Senate seats in ‘21.
And now he’s at least even money to lose to a gal so inept she can’t answer(and her campaign won’t even let her try now)basic questions without sounding like a blithering idiot.
For everyone with deep emotional attachment to this guy… I hope you folks think it was worth it to have 8-12 years of Biden/Harris if he loses.
Vivek, or Rubio, or DeSantis(the safest but most bland option)would've better engaged young people and women… giving the party a near lock against KH. But the Republican Party(along with Trump acolytes)is so rudderless and devoid of capable leaders like Pierre Poilievre of Canada they’re literally f’in up a wet dream.