The other day you posted how a car pulled in front of your house at 2 in the morning and parked. You then said you grabbed your AR-15 and went outside to confront the individual. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that goes completely against the bullshit you've been preaching for the black community to do? You preach de-escalation, well walking outside with an assault rifle to confront a potential suspect isn't de-escalating a damn thing. You also preach self-defense as well. So if you saw someone walking up to you whit an assault rifle, aren't you suppose to assume the worse and self-preservation? Neither of your actions are consistent with what you think the black community should be doing? It's a do as I say and not as I do type mentality you have going on..Why not call the police and have the proper authorities figure it out? This is another example of why you can't be taken serious.