The predicted "blue wave" that actually turned out to be a red washout of progressive ideals has Democrats eating their own. During yesterday's House Democratic Caucus election post-mortem conference call, winners and losers pointed to exit polling disfavoring progressive policies. Nancy pretty well told everyone complaining to STFU and consider Biden's win a mandate, then she left the call. AOC stayed silent until she got her Twitter on this morning (how very millennial of her to address the people next door through social media instead of in person).
Here is the thread starter. It's 8-10 total tweets. Well worth it. She's in full disbelief that her policies just don't play well anywhere outside of a few states. She blames Dem candidates' digital platforms. I laughed. Is this Trump's hidden daughter he had with the housekeeper like Arnold The Terminator did?
Here is the thread starter. It's 8-10 total tweets. Well worth it. She's in full disbelief that her policies just don't play well anywhere outside of a few states. She blames Dem candidates' digital platforms. I laughed. Is this Trump's hidden daughter he had with the housekeeper like Arnold The Terminator did?