The area containing all the original founding documents is so racist it is in need of native dancers and “trigger warnings” to deal with the horrible racism contained there in. Perhaps like other Communist countries we should destroy these relics of another time and replace them with the revolutionary leaders. We can just erect monuments to AOC, to BLM, Perhaps an Antifa reflection pool. Dismantle our white supremecist history and pretend our country began on George Floyd’s murder date. Remember this was a report generated by the government.

National Archives' racism task force says own Rotunda example of 'structural racism,' knocks Founding Fathers
The National Archives' task force on racism claimed in a little-noticed report to the U.S.’s top librarian that the Archives' own Rotunda – which houses the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights – is an example of "structural racism" and that the Founding...