You now have unions, both public and private sector, arguing in favor of their members who don't want to get vaccinated and don't want to get fired for not getting vaccinated. The issue is so important to workers and their union representatives, all usually die hard Democrats, that they are willing to defy their party to protect their jobs and their right to make their own healthcare decision. A fascinating side story to me in this complex and divisive issue.
I am fully vaccinated, think everyone should get vaccinated, but also believe people have the choice not to. However, if they make that choice they should also be subject to any health consequences that come with not vaccinating, but they shouldn't be subject to losing their job.
I am fully vaccinated, think everyone should get vaccinated, but also believe people have the choice not to. However, if they make that choice they should also be subject to any health consequences that come with not vaccinating, but they shouldn't be subject to losing their job.