Let me begin with I am unsure who has an extra year and so forth but what I do know is we probably lose all but 1 starter from what I am projecting: KAD, Rakestraw, Bailey, Hopper, Charleston, and Carlies. Last year besides Carnell and Norwood and Wilson when Bailey was out really played in relief in the back 7. In order to properly prep for late in the season and/or next year how does Coach rotate to get younger or next years starters potentially in game experience? See below my best guess as to depth and position for those not on Campus yet. I am assuming some cross training in the back 7 may occur to allow mix and matching to get the best players on the field in case of injury maybe, Thoughts?
Left Corner
Marcus Clarke - SR/TR
Shamar Mc Neil - FR
Right Corner
Ennis Rakestraw - RS JR
Dreyden Norwood - RS/SO
Ty'Ron Hopper - RS SR
Triston Newson - RS SR ( 2 yrs left ??)
Will Norris - RS JR
Brayshawn Littlejohn - FR
Chad Bailey - RS SR
Dameon Wilson- RS SO
Chuck Hicks - RS SR
Joseph Charleston - RS SR
Tyler Hibbler - RS SO - also working the STAR position
Marvin Burks - FR
Nicholas DeLoach - FR
Jaylon Carlies - SR
Sidney Williams - RS JR ( Injured and out of rotation)
Isaac Thompson - RS FR
Daylan Carnell - RS SO
Tre Vez Johnson - SR
Phillip Roche - FR
Left Corner
Marcus Clarke - SR/TR
Shamar Mc Neil - FR
Right Corner
Ennis Rakestraw - RS JR
Dreyden Norwood - RS/SO
Ty'Ron Hopper - RS SR
Triston Newson - RS SR ( 2 yrs left ??)
Will Norris - RS JR
Brayshawn Littlejohn - FR
Chad Bailey - RS SR
Dameon Wilson- RS SO
Chuck Hicks - RS SR
Joseph Charleston - RS SR
Tyler Hibbler - RS SO - also working the STAR position
Marvin Burks - FR
Nicholas DeLoach - FR
Jaylon Carlies - SR
Sidney Williams - RS JR ( Injured and out of rotation)
Isaac Thompson - RS FR
Daylan Carnell - RS SO
Tre Vez Johnson - SR
Phillip Roche - FR