Well the first day of the new program is in the books. Yesterday there were a bit more than 4,000 illegal entries through the area along the southern border between ports of entry. That was supposed to stop. His border patrol contacts tell Bill Malugen that it was a little higher than in recent days. He was at the California border this morning where several hundred were in line at that one spot from all over the world waiting to be processed by the border patrol. There appears to be no change in operations. Does the administration believe this “checks the box”, and it will keep the left happy while claiming they would have really really fixed things if they could have passed their legislation. Btw that legislation would have codified the roughly 4,000 coming over our border illegally. Thats 4,000 too many.

Migrants illegally flood into US in unsecured border areas despite Biden order to shut it down
Migrants were filmed easily crossing the border into California with no intervention Wednesday morning — a day after President Biden signed the Executive Order.