Updated Mizzou Basketball Scholarship Chart
We take a moment to refresh the hoops scholarship situation entering the spring portal period.
On this chart, I've put an asterisk by players who have an extra year. Here's my player by player check. I think it's right. As always, I'm not positive because it's a mess to figure out:
Kobe Brown: Next season will be his fourth, has one more if he wants it.
Amari Davis: Two seasons at Green Bay, only one counted, one at Mizzou. This year will be his fourth, has one more if he wants it.
Boogie Coleman: Two seasons at Ball State, only one counted, one at Mizzou. This year will be his fourth, has one more to use if he wants.
DeAndre Gholston: One at Kent State, one at juco, two years at Milwaukee but only one counts. This is his fifth and final year (unless he redshirts)
Tre Gomillion: One year in juco. Three years at Cleveland State, but only one counts. This is his fifth and final year (unless he redshirts).
D'Moi Hodge: Two years at juco, two years at Cleveland State, but only one counts. This is his fifth and final year (unless he redshirts).
Noah Carter: Played three years at Northern Iowa, but only two count. This is his fourth year and he has one more available (unless he redshirts).
Sean East: One year at UMASS, one year at Bradley that didn't count, one year at juco. This is his fourth year. He has one more if he wants to use it.
Ronnie DeGray: One year at UMASS that didn't count, one year at Mizzou. This year is his third year. He could have two more after this year if he wants.
Mohamed Diarra: Two years at Garden City, but only one counts. This is his third year. He could have two more after this year if he wants.
Yaya Keita: Has played one year. Has four to play three
Kaleb Brown: Has played one year. Has four to play three
Aidan Shaw: Has five to play four
Christian Jones: Has five to play four.
So here's what it looks like if EVERY player takes his COVID year and nobody redshirts this year:
Done after 2022-23: Gholston, Gomillion, Hodge
Done after 23-24: Kobe Brown, Coleman, Davis, East, Carter
Done after 24-25: DeGray, Diarra, Keita, Kaleb Brown
Done after 25-26: Shaw, Jones
Available scholarships by class, understanding there has to be one more available somewhere because one of these guys isn't going to be here next year (at least)
2023 class: 3
2024 class: 5
2025 class: 4
2026 class: 2