Oh my goodness. What a complete fukcing tool.
Musk told hospitals in NY he was sending FDA-approved ventilators; free machine, free shipping. Only stipulation is they must be used immediately and not put in storage, so the most in-need facilities received them. They began arriving today... and turned out to be 5-year old, refurbished, non-invasive BiPAP machines for sleep apnea. Critical care physicians warned other facilities to not attempt using them because they can make the virus more aerosolized and spread more readily in a medical facility.
These are the types of machines (CPAP, BiPAP) which are believed to have caused the deadly spread in the now infamous Seattle nursing home.
How many of the hospitals turned down other vents because they thought they had free ones en route? He deserves all the shit he gets for this one.
Musk told hospitals in NY he was sending FDA-approved ventilators; free machine, free shipping. Only stipulation is they must be used immediately and not put in storage, so the most in-need facilities received them. They began arriving today... and turned out to be 5-year old, refurbished, non-invasive BiPAP machines for sleep apnea. Critical care physicians warned other facilities to not attempt using them because they can make the virus more aerosolized and spread more readily in a medical facility.
These are the types of machines (CPAP, BiPAP) which are believed to have caused the deadly spread in the now infamous Seattle nursing home.
How many of the hospitals turned down other vents because they thought they had free ones en route? He deserves all the shit he gets for this one.