There is obviously a big push for it among the libs and their media allies. In Biden’s copious notes he had on the podium, he referred to them often as he explained why it may be time for it to go. The republicans have yet to filibuster anything. He wrote 47 executive directives, 4 times as many as anyone in history in his first couple days and passed the pork laden Covid bill thru reconciliation.
so I’m recent history, the party using the filibuster, repeatedly was the democrat party.
But the liberals elected him. He owes his nomination to Clyburn,Pocahontas, Mayot Pete and Bernie Sanders. He was not on the radar in the early primaries. So he is going all in with anything the left wants to hang out in the White House and ride on AF One.
This is the one crisis Trump created post election with his band of crazies including the lady lawyer, Sydney, now being sued by the voting machine company. Along with her sidekick lawyer, actually a liberal Democrat bitching about the election in Georgia and telling Trump supporters not to vote, and trumps carping about his race and collecting money for himself rather than spending on senate runoff, doomed the senate majority.
So I think it’s likely a little better than a coin flip that they do get rid of the legislative filibuster.
I don’t think you can trust Manchin. He will be about 76 or 77 when his term is up in 2024. I would not doubt this is his last rodeo and he loves him some Joe Biden. Given not having to run again he will be the good liberal Democrat I think he is. Notice he caved in a heartbeat on the Covid giveaway.
Senator Sienema just won a six year term in Arizona. She has expressed some interest in keeping the filibuster. I suspect that will go by the wayside. With re election not up till 2 years after the next Presidential election, there is little incentive to buck her party. She was earlier in her career a very leftist liberal voice.
Although it’s a long shot but I think the one they might have the most trouble with going along is Tester of Montana. He’s been squishy on it of late so he might well go along. The difference is that he is up in 2024 in a red state and he is not wealthy or old like Manchin. He might want to get re-elected more than be popular with Chuck, Nancy and Joey.
They have to know that slamming legislation through via this route will likely lose them the house (depending on how man illegal aliens they get to vote and how many absentee vote gatherers they can use to cheat) and possibly the senate in 22. So I suspect they will do it and hope people are thrilled with their over reach results. But if economy is in the dumpster in 24, all their moves may be reversed and hoisted by their own petard. That is what Harry Reid found out the hard way.
so I’m recent history, the party using the filibuster, repeatedly was the democrat party.
But the liberals elected him. He owes his nomination to Clyburn,Pocahontas, Mayot Pete and Bernie Sanders. He was not on the radar in the early primaries. So he is going all in with anything the left wants to hang out in the White House and ride on AF One.
This is the one crisis Trump created post election with his band of crazies including the lady lawyer, Sydney, now being sued by the voting machine company. Along with her sidekick lawyer, actually a liberal Democrat bitching about the election in Georgia and telling Trump supporters not to vote, and trumps carping about his race and collecting money for himself rather than spending on senate runoff, doomed the senate majority.
So I think it’s likely a little better than a coin flip that they do get rid of the legislative filibuster.
I don’t think you can trust Manchin. He will be about 76 or 77 when his term is up in 2024. I would not doubt this is his last rodeo and he loves him some Joe Biden. Given not having to run again he will be the good liberal Democrat I think he is. Notice he caved in a heartbeat on the Covid giveaway.
Senator Sienema just won a six year term in Arizona. She has expressed some interest in keeping the filibuster. I suspect that will go by the wayside. With re election not up till 2 years after the next Presidential election, there is little incentive to buck her party. She was earlier in her career a very leftist liberal voice.
Although it’s a long shot but I think the one they might have the most trouble with going along is Tester of Montana. He’s been squishy on it of late so he might well go along. The difference is that he is up in 2024 in a red state and he is not wealthy or old like Manchin. He might want to get re-elected more than be popular with Chuck, Nancy and Joey.
They have to know that slamming legislation through via this route will likely lose them the house (depending on how man illegal aliens they get to vote and how many absentee vote gatherers they can use to cheat) and possibly the senate in 22. So I suspect they will do it and hope people are thrilled with their over reach results. But if economy is in the dumpster in 24, all their moves may be reversed and hoisted by their own petard. That is what Harry Reid found out the hard way.