I have to admit that after watching that mess last night, when the clock hit zero I was more befuddled than angry...actually I almost felt nothing, getting numb to the constant let downs, letting the air out of the balloon in week 1 is unforgivable...defense looked uncoached since last season, Albert O most over-rated player in the country, and I have a feeling the secondary is going to play like cheesecloth when they actually get tested...think the team and Bryant went up by 2 touchdowns then thought it was in the bag and mentally checked out...good teams don't do that...sickeningly, slightly reminded me of the Navy bowl game where we scored almost immediately, went to sleep, then Navy pounded the holy crap out of us...effective coaching adjustments last night non-existent...hard to give a damn at times, interest in next week's game plummeting like the Hindenburg amongst local Tiger supporters I know, all life-long Tigers.