MU sets record research expenditures in fiscal year 2022
New milestone reached through investments in the research enterprise, MizzouForward and NextGen Precision Health.
Initially this had been estimated to be $400m, but it ended up being much higher, $432 million. That's an 11.3% increas over FY21 and continues Mizzou's recent trend of very high research growth.
To briefly summarize the situation:
Mizzou is one of around 60 universities to be members of the AAU - an exclusive club of all the top research universities. Mizzou has been a member for about a hundred years so they are basically grandfathered in. As of 1995, we were in pretty good standing with a ranking of #59 in research spending. But there were a lot of budget cuts in the last 30 years and we fell all the way down to #88 a few years ago. At that point we were at real risk of getting kicked out of the AAU. Nebraska, Iowa State, and Syracuse got kicked out with similarly bad numbers.
We're in the midst of a massive campaign to turn it around, and it's working. It's Mizzou's #1 priority right now, they've spent hundreds of millions on it, and will spend hundreds of millions more.
In FY21 we made it up to #71 and passed #72 kansas.
We won't know the FY22 rankings until Christmas, but now we know what Mizzou's numbers are and they're good.
By FY21 numbers this would rank #62. But other schools are also going to increase, so I'd estimate we'll probably be in the 63 to 66 range.
And we're only in year 2 of the 10 year MizzouForward campaign. The numbers are going to keep going up. My best guess is at this rate when it's all said and done we'll be in the 45 to 55 range by the end of the decade. Which will make us a solid AAU member in good standing and legitimately one of the top 50ish research universities in America.