While our liberal Biden swallowers were distracted with that race and have spent the following weeks spinning their precious polling failures and trying to explain how Trump got so many votes and made that race so close, the rest of us have been focusing on the best total Republican dominance of the overall election cycle at all levels.
In a critical area idiot Democrat voters consistently forget about, races where post-census redistricting was at stake, Republicans won nearly every single candidate race and ballot measure necessary to control the process. This is per website 538.com, which, as we well know, liberals looooove to cite.
This means Republicans will have immense control over redrawing of Congressional districts, near similar to how they did in 2010-2011. That'll mean 20 consecutive years of Republicans being able to account for changing populations and voting patterns.
Democrats burned badly again. They view it all as a big win though because Trump is out. Yay!!!! LMAO at the shallow morons.
In a critical area idiot Democrat voters consistently forget about, races where post-census redistricting was at stake, Republicans won nearly every single candidate race and ballot measure necessary to control the process. This is per website 538.com, which, as we well know, liberals looooove to cite.
This means Republicans will have immense control over redrawing of Congressional districts, near similar to how they did in 2010-2011. That'll mean 20 consecutive years of Republicans being able to account for changing populations and voting patterns.
Democrats burned badly again. They view it all as a big win though because Trump is out. Yay!!!! LMAO at the shallow morons.