'What does he do?' Scouts' candid views on 50 top NBA Draft prospects
We know these guys are good — that’s why they are on this list. The value in this exercise is to lean into why they might not make it.

If you're unfamiliar with the annual tradition, Seth Davis talks to a handful of NBA scouts each year and grants them anonymity so that they can say how they really feel about the top players in the draft. Here's what they said about Kobe:
“I’m probably not as high on him as the consensus. I think he’s undersized. I struggle to figure out who he defends. I think the coaching staff at Missouri put him in a role where he was able to excel. He’s done a good job with his conditioning, but that could be a problem down the road. He shot it well last season for the first time in his career. Is that real? The question is whether he’s going to make it athletically. Really high-character kid.”