The refs to whistle happy, sure. But MU refused to make adjustments on Cooper. Playing him tight and hand checking him 25/30 feet from the basket only led to fouls. We did this all game and it was predictable in the outcome.
Cooper was actually less effective once he got too low.
there is a skill to blocking a shot and keeping it in bounds our guys don’t do that.
I don’t think Cooper took a shot outside of 10 feet from the basket, he is not known yet as an effective 3 point shooter yet we hugged him ouptight.
Just dumb.
Cooper was actually less effective once he got too low.
there is a skill to blocking a shot and keeping it in bounds our guys don’t do that.
I don’t think Cooper took a shot outside of 10 feet from the basket, he is not known yet as an effective 3 point shooter yet we hugged him ouptight.
Just dumb.