Even though we come from different political views can we at least agree on one thing and admit that Maddow is a kook. She is wrong every time with no consequences. See vids below. I admit I only watch her show a handful of times per month and that is mostly for entertainment purposes. It seams to me that she is only interested in demeaning Trump. The truth and facts are unimportant and she is more then willing to spread lies, and the propaganda of our enemies to hurt Trump. I also think she is quite pleased that the virus and the resulting hit on the economy so she can blame Trump for it. I know there are many other show hosts on CNN and MSNBC just as bad but I do not watch them. Am I wrong about her. Please comment or not, but keep them just about Maddow. No What About --??--- they lie too! Every thread seams to go that way and it gets old. Thanks,