I received both doses of Pfizer vaccine. Here is what I experienced since I cannot post this on FB or Twitter without being banned.
I had basically little reaction after first shot. My fingers in the arm that received shot tingled a little bit on way home and I was a little tired, but that may have been lack of sleep. My arm was a little sore, not much. I had a red circle on my arm where shot was injected for about 5 days.
On the second shot:
My shoulder was soreAF for 24-48 hours. I wasn't super tired, but couldn't sleep well if I rolled on shoulder. Shoulder was still sore after 4 days, but not as sore.
I had a slight fever and chills for about 3 hours in the night the night after I had 2nd shot. I had 2nd shot at 2:30 pm.
This was the odd part. My resting heart rate was elevated for about 2.5 days and then went back to normal. It went from about 52 normally to 68 then back. HR was higher for workouts for those 2-3 days as well so I pulled it back a smidge.
Overall, this is not awful. But I am not sure why this isn't published.