Another Daylan Carnell thread

Got my T-shirt today! Anyway, like many on here it’s obvious he should be getting more snaps, are we better w him in the Star and Manuel in place of Charleston? Or just replacing Manuel ? Manuel misses a lot of tackles for sure. I honestly don’t know about Charleston, he doesn’t seem to flash much but also don’t see him mess up either. Is Carnell too big to help us at corner?
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C'mon man..... how much longer are we going with this guy?

Luther Burden's hs quarterback was better than this guy... His name is Robert Battle... He's still at ESTL... and he's better than Brady Cook.

I get that I'm not at practice, so I don't get to see what Tyler Macon's doing that he didn't win the job... But c'mon man, we gotta have somebody better than this guy.

Just constant mistakes... Bad throws... Not being aggressive... Even on the RPO plays, he NEVER keeps the ball... He always gives it... How do u expect to keep that unblocked DEnd honest if the quarterback never keeps the ball... He's just gonna run down the back from behind, bc he's unblocked, every time... Florida's done it 4 times in this 1st quarter already... Bc they've obviously seen on film that Cook NEVER keeps the ball on the RPO.

I'm trying to keep believing in these guys... But Jesus Christ, man... How much do they expect my heart to take?

I'm still hurting from losing to Wyoming with Kelly Bryant 3 yrs ago... This is getting harder and harder to take.

Drink 2-10 On the Road

Originally, this was going to be a post about how bad Drink's teams are on the road. But I decided to do my DD and see how his road record compared to our past two football coaches.

Not including bowls, here's how Pinkle and Odom fared on the road in their first three seasons:

Pinkle ('01-'03): 4-11

Odom ('16-'18): 6-9

Obviously Drink's third season isn't over, with games @SCar and @Ten remaining, but best case I think we split those games which bumps him to 3-11. Not great, but not too different from Pinkle's record either.

We're 5-1 if we had a QB

I'm sure Brady is a nice kid and his Mizzou fandom story is cute and adorable, but this ain't the kindergarten story circle. It's time to bring in Horn or Macon. We KNOW what we have with Cook and it's not enough to win games in the SEC. Give someone else a chance. We can still win six (Vandy, USCe, NMSt and one of KY, TN and Arky) but it's not going to happen with Cook under center. Here's to hoping Drink uses the bye week to make a change!

FOOTBALL “Old Man Football”

I remember when Drink was hired. I wasn’t familiar with him. When I asked around I kept hearing about his offensive mind. Then the impressive recruiting began, the defense struggled and I kept telling myself to be patient. Drinks an offensive guru! Give him a little time I thought. Who knows what our team will look like a year from now, but I see a team that I used to thumb my nose at when we joined the SEC. I was arrogant and did think the SEC wouldn’t know what hit them with our high flying offense and all. Aside from a couple of years where we seemed to demonstrate that you could have a lot of success by out scoring opponents with a mediocre to poor defense, I was taught that what I thought was “old man football” was really “grown man football.” Defense and enough offense can not only win games, but a national title. Maybe the game hadn’t evolved after all. Meanwhile the SEC blue blood started scoring more AND had good defense! It was more entertaining and the teams were complete. Now when I look at Mizzou, other than depth, we seem to be an “old man football” team. Big time defense, with just enough offense (not) to win. We do have some playmakers but we shoot our selves in the foot repeatedly on offense. I like a True Son as much as anyone and our quarterback is living his dream by starting at Mizzou. I’m just not sure he is capable of winning at this level, even as a game “manager.” That brings us back to Drink…good and improving defense, struggling offense…year three. I’m watching a lot of football today with coaches as new to their team as Drink and their offenses look awesome and damnit I’m jealous of the effing Beakers offense!!!! I can’t believe I said that. So great job Drink on correcting our defensive woes, now do it on offense! Maybe a coordinator would help? No doubt the right quarterback would. Figure it out! We have found many ways to lose games lately, but we have been close. Win baby! MIZ!

FOOTBALL One more thing Drink got wrong…..

In addition to getting the QB position wrong three consecutive years, it’s now obvious that Drink can’t effectively evaluate punters either.

Stonehouse was exceptional yesterday.
It’s mind boggling that with all the issues this team has it was the punter position that Drink claimed to be most concerned about.

Drink has been a complete failure when it comes to evaluating talent and managing players.

Coming together slowly

Yes our QB is all heart but talent is not there to win each week. Our Def is a true SEC D. Starting at Auburn you can see the overall team getting better. Auburn loss could of been the dagger but then they come out and give Georgia the toughest match all year. Today they are battling again at Florida. But we are starting to come together! Got to learn to close teams out.
