FOOTBALL Are the record number of EARLY SEASON FIRINGS for College Football alarming to any of you?

I can never remember so many head coaches being being fired before we are even halfway through the college football season.

Chryst getting fired at Wisconsin is the biggest shocker...he was only 2-3 this season, but up until this season he's been really, really good.

I wonder if all these early firings is not a by-product of the social-media/NIL/transfer-portal era...and of course multi-million dollar salaries for Head Coaches.

Since there are no more tie-games in college football...I guess the old slogan needs tweaking to say, "Coach, we are with you WIN or WIN!"

Don't people realize that every Saturday half the coaches accross the country lose?

Nowdays it seems that not only can you not afford to have just one bad damn well better not even get off to a bad start.

In Gabe's TEN THOUGHTS I read his links to the firing of Head Coaches at both Colorado and Wissconsin.

THIS LINK is a good read:

QUOTES: NFL coaches fired thus far this season: zero.
College coaches fired thus far this season: five.
Scott Frost at Nebraska. Herm Edwards at Arizona State. Geoff Collins at Georgia Tech. And on this particularly bloody Sunday, Karl Dorrell at Colorado and Paul Chryst at Wisconsin. And the last of those is a shocker.

Because of sheer numbers and least one of these firings will likely yeild at least some short term positive results...and people will point to that as a reason to "cut our losses" and "pull-the-plug early."

I think over-all this is a very dangerous and faulty philosiphy. I shudder to think of where Mizzou would be if Gary Pinkel had been fired after his 4th-team at Mizzou suffered a bad season when momentum had been building and we were the media darling and concensus choice to win the weak Big-12 North that year.

If he had been I and a majority of the fans thought he should have been at that time...where would Mizzou football, and the University as a whole, be today? For damn sure...we would not be in the SEC.

Here is the question...are AD's given the authority they need now days to NOT CAVE IN to the screaming masses in this day of social media criticism in the midst of an instant-gratification society?

Can a Power-5 AD stand by a struggling Head Football Coach nowdays... if he/she sees inward progress within the program even though said progress is not showing up currently in the W/L column?

I love College is far and away my favorite sport...but I fear for it's future. I think for many, many reasons the sport is traveling down a dangerous path.


A few quotes and notes I've gathered from a handful of visitors that were on campus over the weekend, including a couple of notable 2023 targets

Fishing Scandal

Probably OT and go ahead and move it there if so but it’s Monday morning and I find this incredibly fascinating. Apparently these guys made $300k in just tournament prizes last year before endorsements and everything else. Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone caught red handed blatantly cheating like that. I know we have some fishermen on the board. Anybody seen anything like this before?

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RIP Meltdown: pc kills humor

I loved the Meltdown on RollBamaRoll for years. Gone now, no humor allowed in our world today, even on sports sites. I was looking forward to seeing the Georgia meltdown after the game, but---

"For those of you who came for the Meltdown all this time, those lurkers from other fan bases, and our long time readers who perused this piece with morbid fascination for 16 years, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

People haven’t changed, no matter protestations to the contrary. Faces do. Policies do. Political expediency does. And the acceptable manner in which it is permitted to to shine light on bad actors did.

Roll Tide."

Ms tigersouth
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OFF TOPIC Barret Banister - Tiger Walk

My son and I were at Tiger Walk. We ended up standing next to Banister's family. Awesome people. I was recording the Tiger walk and I have a video with him and his family on it. I would love to send it to them. They may like it or not. Does anyone know a way to send it to them? I looked for him on twitter but I don't know if he has one. Thanks in advance

Mizzou Players whose eligibility expires after this season

I know there is another thread on who is coming back on defense, however just to clarify. Missouri has a total of 8 players, whose eligibility expires after this season.
The Athletic Department added the eligibility dates to all of the rosters on
H. White
DJ Coleman
Tyrone Hopper

Those 8 players are the only players who will exhaust NCAA eligibility on the current Missouri Roster, after this season.
You can check out Doves eligibility dates as an example.

Gameday atmosphere

Like many of you have said, it was electric last night. DRF is awesome, the music, the crowd engagement….that stuff is better now than even when we were packing the place for a 10 year stretch. I filled out my survey this morning and gave them super high marks on everything except cell phone service (I couldn’t read Gabe’s halftime thoughts last night). I’m just really hoping it’s close to that for Vandy and other games down the stretch

Another thing I appreciate about 2022 Drinkwitz

This may be due to having a little more youth than last year (at least, it seems that way), but I've been impressed with the changes that Drink has made with personnel this year. It feels like the first season he's actually been a little more proactive than reactive -- proactive isn't the right word, but Drink isn't running the same kids out there for 60% of the season before making changes this year.

We've seen moves made on the OL, partially due to injury, but partially due to performance. We've seen a lot of bodies getting reps in the secondary, at RB, at WR, and even at TE, as limited as that position is. We saw the Koetting experience end at punter and a much more steady presence in Stonehouse added to the punting game. At some point this year, I imagine we'll see a 3rd QB used, if Mizzou can put a game away early to allow for Horn to get some reps. We saw 3 QBs last year, but that was due to Bazelak needing a couple games off. I'm not sure we would have seen a change, otherwise.

There could be several reasons for more players seeing the field -- maybe Drink isn't as sold on this year's starters as he was last year's -- but I'd like to think he's beginning to learn the importance of bringing humility to his role and acknowledging that there are better options than what he initially deemed at the beginning of the year. And even better, the moves being made actually appear to be upgrades. They're not moves made for moves sake.

Along with the improvement and personnel decisions made with the defense this year, I point to the number of players who have seen meaningful reps as another positive. The learning curve from 1 season as HC at App St to coaching in the SEC is steep, but it appears Drink is beginning to learn from previous mistakes, which is something else to get excited about, if you're a Mizzou fan.
