Do the Drink haters not realize

He's the perfect guy for this NIL era?

The complaints against him are he hasn't gotten a QB, I get it.

But look at the talent he brought in last year via the transfer portal, look at the guys he's bringing in this year, look at how many starters are staying at Mizzou while other teams are having mass exoduses, look at the high school recruiting.

He's a .500 coach through 3 years, Rome wasn't built in a day.

If this roster is loaded with 4-5 star high school and transfer talent, it will translate into wins once the foundation is set.

"He can't develop QBs".

Cook looked much better as the season went on, is that not development?

"Baker gets all the credit for the defense".

So Drink doesn't recruit players on defense? He doesn't create the culture and foster the relationships that keep playmakers at Mizzou?

Drink appears to me to be a great CEO and recruiter, exactly what you want in this era of college football.

Does he still need to win 8 games next year? Absolutely, but this is a program trending up, regardless of what the record says.

Parent Terrorist Icon Should Have Been Heard Out

Every time I see a piece about the Biden Garland team claiming that Parents at School Board meetings need to be watched very closely as potential terrorists, there is footage of a guy being pulled away from the microphone at a school board meeting, taken to the floor and cuffed.
You never heard why.

Well turns out the woke Loudin Co. Virginia school board had a use the bathroom you identify with policy, Some young dude wearing a skirt allegedly sexually assaulted his 9th grader daughter a few days prior. The story on Fox said the school district transferred the supposed transgender person to a different school and he was arrested for another sexual assault there.

At the meeting as I understand it as soon as he began to question the policy ..they had him drug out and the Superintendent said they had had no such problem and that was unheard of in the transgender setting. Lucky this guy didn’t pack heat with him. Can’t imagine how pissed off . Good news this might well sink McCauliffe.

OFF TOPIC Any Regrets From Conservatives?

Now that you have time to reflect. Was it the wisest move to recruit a novice (Herschel Walker), whose son say that Trump was pestering him for months to run. Why? It's because he foolishly thought that blacks would vote for him based on his color and sports celebrity. Link:

Now that he's lost, we got the campaign aides scrambling to make excuses. They found a scapegoat and it's his wife, who apparently thought they should spend an inordinate amount of time campaigning in black neighborhoods. I wonder where she got that idea from??? Link:

All it took was a mediocre candidate for the GOP to win Georgia. They won every other statewide seat. Any regrets?

Arky transfer Malik Hornsby hearing from Mizzou

Below is a quote from an article on TOS:

Hornsby said he’s heard from Florida, Missouri, Baylor, Texas State, Arkansas State, Florida Atlantic and Grambling State, among others. Nebraska has also entered the mix in recent days with Matt Rhule having a prior relationship with Hornsby dating back to his time as Baylor’s head coach.

And while Hornsby said he is yet to set up visits, Tillman said Nebraska, Missouri and Texas State have made strong pushes for Hornsby.
