Mayorkis (and Biden) lied about border patrol “whipping migrants “

The border patrol has been vilified because they were trying to secure the border.. it turns out that Mayorkis knew and was told that no such whipping took place and any sane person knows that Biden was told the same. Yet they chose to use the bullshit narrative to alibi for their totally open border policy for hopefully 5 million Dem voters and climbing they have allowed in 18 months of Biden..not counting fentanyl mules.

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FOOTBALL MId- Season Awards

Offensive MVP - 1st half - Dominic Lovett / Nathaniel Peat
Most Improved Offensive player - Mookie Cooper / Dom Lovett
Most Outstanding O-Lineman - Foster by Default??
most Outstanding Newcomer - Nate/Peat/ Mehki Miller

Defensive MVP - Ty'Ron Hopper
Most Improved Defensive Player - Ennis Rakestraw
Most Outstanding D-Lineman - Isaiah McGuire
Most Outstanding Newcomer - Joseph Charleston/ Ty'Ron Hopper

SP Teams MVP - Mevis

This is open for discussion I just need to fill my days up with football convo without a game Saturday... Your thoughts?

FED should stop increasing Rates

I complained about inflation and I thought Fed should have raised rates in late 2020 and really in 2021 and stop QE. Now I think they should stop increasing rates. I think the increase this week is a MAJOR mistake.

I am moving over to the transitory picture and I think Rates will make it elongated. With little loan growth and new financing, supply chains will not be able to expand. I think The Fed was correct to increase rates and stop QE, but I think they should have started and ended sooner.

I think we are going into a more severe recession. I think the US will be better off than probably ever other country. Goodbye Europe, goodbye China.

DJ on with Frank

I know he is a polarizing figure but since GP left has been in a better place with his Alma Mater. Calls Drink a personal friend but says he needs to be much more creative with his play calling to get the most out of Luther. Says leaving Luther split out on his own Island without a QB that can throw a guy open is why he doesn’t have big numbers (mostly agree). Says Dom has been more successful this year because he was asked to do what Luther is now doing last year. Said he is seeing the benefit of lining up in the slot next to the tight end (maybe some truth but not that simple). Says Brady would be a good QB in a small conference but is not a SEC QB. (Totally Agree). Says Macon does have accuracy issues but his athlickism (that’s how he pronounced it) will lead to more success than Brady can bring. (No one can know this but I agree that it is worth a shot). Compared him to Jalen Milroe (didn’t know his name) from Bama. Said he is not a great passer but his ability allowed him to extend plays and receivers get open. (Hard to say how Macon’s ability compares. Milroe was rated as 3rd best Dual Threat QB and Macon 14th. Both 4 stars with Milroe being a 5.9 so he was at least a little more highly thought of out if HS.)

Because of his personal relationship with Luther I think his observations may be a little biased but he is mostly right about that. Nothing ground breaking here just thought I would share.

FOOTBALL Notes on Drinkwitz from the SEC teleconference (injury updates and Sam Horn stuff)

On Brady Cook and Luther Burden: "The bye week came at a great time for our team really to recharge and refresh and get healthy. Both of those guys I anticipate will be full speed by the time we hit Sunday’s practice…This week we are keeping them out of contact and working on just getting them healthy."

Said they're hopeful to get Kris Abrams-Draine and Chad Bailey back for Vandy and letting Dominic Lovett heal up to 100%.

Said they're doing some self-scouting, taking a little bit of time with family, going on the road Friday to high school games to recruit this week.

I asked if this was a week where they give a longer look to some young guys and he said yes. He said yesterday, today and tomorrow have nothing to do with Vanderbilt. They're giving some of the more experienced guys the team periods off and focusing on younger guys who haven't played as much or at all.

I asked him specifically about Sam Horn's development and if he would consider giving another quarterback a series or two along the way in games. Here's what he said:

"I’d absolutely consider it, absolutely something that we’re talking about but something that has to be earned in practice and not something that can just be given," Drinkwitz said." If we put somebody into a game we believe they have the ability to move us into the end zone and have a full comprehension of what we’re trying to do. If you don’t have a full comprehension bad things happen."

Maybe I'm wrong here, but that answer told me they basically don't think Horn has enough of a grasp on enough of the playbook to be in there at this point in time, at least during meaningful time. Obviously if you're in a blowout, that changes things a little bit because you can pare down the playbook, but if you're looking at a guy playing where the game is still in doubt, you can't limit yourself on what you can call. He said this week is all about trying to continue to develop those guys that they know have talent. He mentioned a ton of them by name including Horn.

I'll probably write something on the QB situation over the weekend, but my takeaway from talking to him today is that I wouldn't really expect to see Horn in a game.

Respected MIT Physicist puts risk of global nuclear war at 1 in 6

I follow Musk on Twitter and he liked a tweet from this Doc a few days ago. And btw, epoch is just the messenger here.

edit: the chilling part of the analysis isn’t the percentages, but the reality of how volatile this situation remains. If Putin uses a nuke vs a total retreat, better sweep out those 60’s era bomb shelters, as it’ll equal or surpass the nuclear war realties of that era.

Bills -3 @ Chiefs

First time Mahomes is an underdog at home in his career. Is this the week to fade the Bills and take Mahomes and the points? The Chiefs fan in me wants to say yes, but I just dont know about our defense against an offensive juggernaut like Buffalo, home field advantage or not. With Mcduffie still likely not ready and Willie Gay still being sidelined for assaulting a vacuum cleaner, Might be a week where we try and identify and create some strategy in a 4-7 point loss for the eventual rematch in the playoffs. Also Butker is a huge difference maker (as we've seen the last few weeks) and we would be clearly be undefeated had he not been injured.
